Do you have a great mentor?

Grow your Insurance Career without a Great Mentor.

When someone receives an award or accomplishes a milestone, that person is often asked to talk about how they became so successful.

And almost always, that person will begin to thank people who helped them along the way. They may thank family, friends, and will often mention some type of mentor.

It is hard to lift yourself up to where you want to be without some pulls and pushes from others. Along the way, we all need help and if you don’t have a rock-solid mentor in your corner, you are doing it the hard way. That’s why you need to find a mentor.

What is a Mentor?

Mentors are people who help you. They have already done what you are trying to do and they did it well. That is why you listen to them and seek their help. Mentors sometimes help you for free, and their reward is simply watching you grow and improve.

Mentors can also be hired, just as an athlete will hire a trainer to get them to the next level. There should be a personal bond in a mentoring relationship, and that is why some of the best mentoring relationships are not transactional but rather someone just helping someone out.

Why Mentoring Works so Well

The main reason you need to find a mentor is because the one-on-one training and advice you get is so easily absorbed. There is something powerful when we receive advice and instruction from someone we know. Books and videos are good, but they don’t replace the wisdom of a mentor. Just ask Luke Skywalker.

Here’s an Example

Let’s say an agent has a new health insurance client who committed to a policy, but then the client drops it a few days later. This can be a really frustrating situation for an agent, especially if the client did not contact the agent before dropping.

The agent may have the urge reach out to the client and find out what happened. Or maybe the agent just wants to avoid the situation and start fresh with a new client. A mentor can not only help the agent decide what course to take but also train the agent on how to do it very well.

It would be difficult to get that type of help through a book or video.

How Do I Find a Mentor?

If you are an agent or broker getting started, mentors are everywhere. You just need to look for them and establish a relationship. Mentors can be veteran co-workers, old bosses, someone at your field marketing organization, or family members in the business.

People don’t walk around with shirts that say, “I want to be a mentor.” Take the initiative to find yourself a mentor. You will be surprised at how welcoming someone is when you ask them, “Can I get your advice on this situation?”

That one question could be the start of a powerful relationship that helps you locate your new mentor and propels your business forward.

At Pandora Insurance, we partner with the major insurers in the ACA market. We have the training, commissions, and marketing support that you deserve. With Pandora Insurance you can enjoy these benefits when you contract with us!

  • Free pre-license courses for our contracted agents 2-15, 2-40, 2-14
  • Industry leading carrier contracting
  • Federal Marketplace Certification for Affordable Care Act (ACA)
  • Knowledge-based and practical training
  • Partnerships with proven sales professionals
  • Carriers include: ACA (Obamacare), Medicare, life and supplemental
  • Commission and bonus reporting
  • Bilingual support

Start today on your path to growing your business! Contact us at 305-231-9898.

This information is confidential and intended solely for broker use.

Mentorship can accelerate your insurance career success. Learn why mentors matter and how to find the right one for your professional journey.
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