HealthSherpa Resume Link Will Help with Invalid Action Issues

HealthSherpa Resume Link Will Help with ‘Invalid Action’ Issues - Pandora Insurance

HealthSherpa has released a new way for agents to quickly deal with “Invalid Action” error messages that are occurring when enrolling new health insurance clients.

By using a new workflow introduced by HealthSherpa, agents may be able to save time and avoid a three-way call in order to get permission to service a consumer that they have not been previously associated with.

When using the HealthSherpa enrollment platform, agents will now have the option of sending a “Consumer Resume Link” to the new client. The consumer then completes an ID proofing process to access their policy and approve changes.

Once the client makes these changes, the client is on their way to getting their new health insurance plan. HeatlhSherpa believes this new process will make it easier for agents to submit updates while preserving consumer intent.

What the Consumer Will See

The consumer gets an email from you with a link to HealthSherpa where they will sign in or create an account. The client needs to be ready to enter personal information to identify themselves. Then the consumer will be asked questions to help verify their identity. For example, they could be asked if they opened an auto loan a few years ago.

Once identity has been is established, the client will come to a “Confirm your plan” page. Here they review the plan and can click “Enroll in this plan” if they want to approve the plan. The links sent to the consumer do not expire. For more information on what the consumer is sent click here.

What if the Link Doesn’t Work or the Consumer Cannot Complete It?

If the HealthSherpa  Resume Link does not work, you will need to do a three-way call with the consumer and a Marketplace rep so that the coverage can be updated.


Back in July the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) changed the rules so that platforms will now block agents from making Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) changes unless the agent has the permission of the consumer to do so. This shows up as an “Invalid Action” error until the Marketplace has verified that the consumer has approved the changes. These changes were implemented to reduce insurance plan fraud.

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HealthSherpa's new Consumer Resume Link workflow helps agents bypass Invalid Action errors and streamline client enrollment without requiring three-way calls
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