Help On Demand, Can it Help Your Business?

As we approach the Open Enrollment Period for Affordable Care Act health plans, let’s take a look at the ACA’s Help on Demand feature that attempts to connect agents with consumers needing immediate help.

What is Help on Demand?

Help on Demand is a referral system approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Help on Demand’s goal is to quickly link consumers with agents who can provide timely assistance related to ACA enrollment questions.

This obviously can be a great source for leads for agents seeking new clients. Some agents say they do very well using Help on Demand while others say they get few leads from it. One thing that is certain, you must respond quickly to Help on Demand requests in order to have success.

If an agent enrolled in Help on Demand does not respond in 15 minutes to a request for help, then the system moves the request to another agent. You snooze, you lose with Help on Demand.

Free Leads!

Agents and brokers seeking to boost their ACA enrollments this year would almost be foolish not to enroll in Help on Demand. There is no charge for doing so. How often do you receive free leads for people wanting info on an ACA plan right now?

Other than the time it takes to get enrolled and trained, there is no real cost to working with Help on Demand consumers.

Where Are the Leads Coming from?

As consumer try to enroll in the ACA on their own, they can become bogged down and frustrated with the process. They are offered a help button, and by clicking that, they are connected with an agent or broker near them (based on zip code).

This is where you come into the picture. The leads you get will often be people who are trying to enroll in an ACA plan.

How to Handle Leads

When Help on Demand gives you a lead, you often get an email and a phone number to contact. Contact the lead by phone, identify yourself, and let the lead know you got their information from Get the person’s name and date of birth. That will allow you to enter your enrollment platform and find their stalled application.

You will probably need to go through the application with them, get it to the finish line, and re-submit it. Then you should do your normal steps to ensure they have the right health insurance plan that works with their current healthcare providers and yields the coverage the lead needs.

How to Get in the Game

Are you ready to do this? To receive Help on Demand leads you must complete all Marketplace registration and training for 2025 and the time to do that is well before the start of Open Enrollment on Nov. 1! You must complete coursework pertaining to Help on Demand, sign all paperwork related to registering for Help on Demand, and be current with your state license to sell health insurance.

How Pandora Can Help

Pandora Insurance partners with the major insurers in the ACA market. We have the training, commissions, and marketing support that you deserve.

Enjoy these benefits when contracted with us!

  • Free pre-license courses for our contracted agents
  • Industry leading carrier contracting
  • Federal Marketplace Certification for Affordable Care Act (ACA)
  • Knowledge-based and practical training
  • Partnerships with proven sales professionals
  • Carriers include: ACA (Obamacare), Medicare, life and supplemental
  • Commission and bonus reporting
  • Bilingual support


Start today on your path to growing your business! Contact us at 305-231-9898.

This information is confidential and intended solely for broker use. Distribution to Medicare beneficiaries is not permitted.

One of the key strategies for success is targeting the right market. For resident insurance, this means identifying potential clients who are most likely to need your services.
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